This morning I was browsing the papers over breakfast, on the look out for some good news, and came across an article about Bill and Melinda Gates and what their Foundation is doing to support a number of causes both in the US and around the world.
Apparently Bill Gates has now donated so much that this year he ceased to be the world’s richest man, after 13 years in the top slot. And Warren Buffett, the US investment tycoon who stole his title, has already pledged the Gates Foundation most of his $62 billion fortune, which he is already handing over in annual instalments.
They also support the RED campaign launched by Bono, which I have to confess I don't think I'd heard of previously. This campaign is about fighting AIDS and has brought together a number of high street companies, to produce and sell special products, and most of the profit from the sale of those products goes to finance HIV health and community support programmes in Africa.
Apparently it costs just 20p to fund the two daily pills needed to keep alive someone with HIV, but 70 per cent of people in sub-Saharan Africa live on less than £1 a day and cannot afford them.
It's World Aids Day on 1st December, and while many of us are wondering what to buy as Christmas presents this year, we could also be doing some good with our money. We don't have to be millionnaires...with a little we can do a lot ;-)
If you want to find out more go to http://www.joinred.com/Shop.aspx
Happy shopping!