Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Restoring the Balance?

I came across a new definition this morning for Recession. Not the definition most of us are probably familiar with, and I'm not sure how well it translates to other langauges but anyway, here it is;

"The act of restoring possession to a former owner"

So however uncomfortable it might feel at times, does this mean that we are in the process of restoring natural balance in the world? Just a thought ;-)

And as Gandhi said, "There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not for anyone's greed"

Monday, 2 March 2009

What's Yours? ;-)

Now I know I've used this picture before on a previous post and, sorry, No I'm not offering you a drink just at the moment ;-) But whilst we're on the subject, what is it that you see in this picture? Are these glasses half full or are they half empty?

And in terms of the economy, your work, your life? What's your focus?

There's no denying that we're going through interesting times at the moment, and there may well be some real challenges to overcome, but how we choose to think about things has a direct impact on how we go about handling them.

As William Shakespeare said "There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so". I've been really interested recently by the range of conversations I've had with people. There have been those who have appeared worried and anxious despite having a good job and being relatively secure financially. And there have been those who have been refreshingly positive and optimistic yet facing change, upheaval and uncertainty.

So what's the difference that makes the difference? Well one thing that certainly makes a difference is how we think and what we focus on. Our thoughts not only affect how we feel, they also get reflected in our language, our behaviour and our actions too.

For instance, just for a moment, think of a time when things didn't go particularly well, or think about something you don't like.
  • How do you feel? Is it helping you feel good or bad? Is it helping build your confidence or undermine it?

Now think of a time when something went really well, or think about something you really like.

  • How do you feel now? Is it helping you feel good or bad? Is it undermining your confidence or helping build it?
So how would you prefer to feel? Which is going to help you most? What would you prefer to focus on?

Let's take current events. Isn't it fascinating how news bulletins these days so often seem to start by reporting job losses (these weren't being reported at other times) and any good news seems to get relegated to a final throw-away line, if it even features at all. Some would say we've talked ourselves into the current economic situation. Well if that's the case, isn't it time to stop? Isn't it time to be thinking about what we can do, how we can add value, the opportunities we can create and the changes we can make to help ourselves and our businesses make it through.

I'm not pretending that things will necessarily be easy, but thinking in more positive and realistic ways can certainly improve how we feel and help us take action.....action to help limit the negative consequences and increase opportunities for success. As Thaddeus Golas quotes "What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens".

So, as far as the news is concerned, I've turned the dial and changed frequency to something more positive and uplifting. And as far as our thoughts are concerned, we can shift our attention and do the same.

Which frequency are you on? ;-)