Friday, 26 June 2009

LIP - Live in Peace ;-)

It was very sad to hear about both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett passing away today.

And it's probably no surprise that, along with both those names, another top Twitter topic at the moment is RIP. But why do we so often say, after someone has died, that at last they can now rest in peace?

Why wait until you die to find peace? Why not learn to live in peace today?

Many of us spend so many years in search of money, status, the perfect job, the ideal relationship, only to end up with a feeling that we have lost that sense of peace in our lives. And by the time we realise that peace is more precious, we have already developed habits of acting and thinking that keep it at bay.

So perhaps it's worth remembering that peace of mind is itself a worthwhile goal and that taking time to practice it can bring invaluable benefits.

Follow these simple steps to practice creating more peace in your daily life.

Step 1
Remember a time when you felt really calm, relaxed and peaceful. Notice where you were, who was there, what you could see and what you could hear.

Step 2
As you remember that time, imagine being there now......seeing and hearing whatever is present.

Step 3
Now become aware of the feelings and sensations within you. Perhaps you're feeling still...or calm...relaxed and peaceful....heavy or light.....maybe some other feeling...... or even no sensation at all?

Step 4
Notice any thoughts that arise, they may be of the past...the future....other people.... or yourself ...... and just allow those thoughts to pass.

Step 5
Now bring your attention back to your breathing........ don't try to change it, just observe it, be curious and notice what you notice.

Step 6
Allow yourself to just and now. Enjoy this comfortable, peaceful moment. And simply be in peace.

And remember "Learn to pause... or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you." Doug King
Enjoy your day
L.I.P. ;-)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Seize the Day ;-)

How easy do you find it to jump out of bed in the morning feeling wide awake, energised and ready for the day ahead?

It might seem easier on a beautiful sunny morning like today, but even then, not all of us are larks. Some of us are are more owl-like, preferring to get up late in the morning and stay up late at night. And one or two of us just dont like either extreme and are simply living shorter days.

For those non-larks who are reading, how would you like to have more hours in your day? Imagine what you could do with all that extra time and extra energy each morning.

If you'd like to spring out of bed more easily, and really make the most of your days, have a go at this simple yet effective NLP exercise.

Step 1
In your mind, visualise what currently happens when you first awake in the morning. Imagine being there now, seeing what you see, hearing what you hear and feeling what you feel. Now put a frame around this image.

Step 2
Visualise your desired scenario. See yourself in the image thinking, feeling and behaving as you'd really like to be. Maybe stretching, throwing back the duvet, full of energy or whatever fits for you. Now make the image even bigger, brighter, richer and increase the positive feelings.

Step 3
Shrink this second image down to the size of a small dot and, in your mind, place it in the lower left-hand corner of the first image.

Step 4
Count to 3 and then rapidly expand the small dot so that the desired image completely covers the first image.

Step 5
Shrink the desired image back down to a small dot and repeat Steps 3 and 4 five times until you are left with just the desired image in your mind.

Simple as that! You have now reprogrammed your mind to create a different experience. How surprised will you be when, tomorrow morning, you find yourself leaping out of bed, full of energy and ready to seize the day?

And remember “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning, gets to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do" Bob Dylan

See you with the larks ;-)
Enjoy your day