Gordon Brown this week spoke of the government's desire to provide a 'rock of stability' and protect British people from being buffeted about by recent events.
In these turbulent times it's not only the financial markets that are experiencing volatile fluctuations. Individuals too have been experiencing dramatic emotional swings and crises of confidence.
Yet, when we rely upon external factors to bring us a sense of confidence, security, happiness and well being this is precisely what happens; we leave ourselves totally exposed to the elements. While things are going well that might seem ok but when they're not going so well it does us no good at all.
Instead, by reconnecting with our inner sense of peace, and with what really matters most, we can begin to create a sense of stability and balance from within. And from this position of greater calm and clarity we are more able to navigate our way through stormy seas ;-)
Now I appreciate that taking a philosophical view from the sidelines is one thing, but retaining a philosophical perspective when you're in the eye of the storm is another matter altogether. Many of us have certainly been tested in recent weeks, and I know that some people are facing greater challenges than others. So whilst I dont pretend to have all the answers I would just share a few strategies that have helped me.
1 Focus on what's MOST important. Re-evaluate what really matters to you and appreciate what you have.....health, friends, family, skills?
2 Bring yourself into balance. Connect with your inner self, get centred, grounded and present.
3 Stop looking for someone to blame. Take responsibilty for your own life, learn from your experience and use as a catalyst for change.
4 Beware of negative energy. Information is useful up to a point but don't fill your mind with too much gloom and doom. What you focus on affects how you feel. Focus on something good.
5 Get creative. What do you want instead? Where would you like to be? What else would you like to be doing? Look out for opportunities and explore ideas for making it happen.
6 Be kind to others. Not only does it feel good but they may be struggling too.
And remember, "It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are most responsive to change" Charles Darwin
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