Saturday, 9 January 2010

Snow Patrol

What a time we're having! Snow and ice like we've never seen. Roads and rail brought to a standstill, schools closed and sports fixtures cancelled. It's certainly slowing us all down and is playing havoc with our plans to get off to a good start this year.

Or is it? As I sit here relaxing on this cold afternoon I'm quite enjoying the unexpected peace and space, the beautiful, stunning views, my homemade soups and how it's bringing friends, family and neighbours closer together ;-) Infact, I can't help wondering..... What's the positive intent behind all this snow? What if it really is here to slow us all down? ;-)

In the run up to January 1st it seemed like everyone was getting set for the new year ahead. Poised on their starting blocks, raring to go on the B of the Bang, not a minute to waste. Eager to leave the past behind, and begin afresh chasing new goals instead.

And whilst it's wonderful to feel this renewed surge of energy, perhaps we just need to pause a while too, and make sure we don't simply repeat those behaviours that created the problems of 2009.

So what if the snow does have a message for us?
What good has come out of this for you?
What have you enjoyed? What can you learn?
And how can you take this with you into 2010 and beyond? ;-)

Let's not just race through the next 12 months. Let's be conscious and mindful of the actions we take and decisions we make.

And as the Barefoot Doctor tweeted recently "I Ching says stop pushing now, sit back and receive life: let it happen & wonders will occur "

Have a wonderful time

Friday, 8 January 2010

Are you looking after yourself ;-)

Wow! I've just come back from having a thai massage. Brutal but extremely effective ;-) If you haven't tried it I can definitely recommend it.

Heat and energy are now flowing through my whole body. And I feel fully stretched, expansive and more supple having had a therapist use her hands, feet, legs, arms and elbows on my body for over an hour! It was a real treat after all that sitting around over Christmas and being hunched against the cold on these icy winter days.

It's also part of my No.1 commitment for this year and beyond; to stay fit and healthy! I don't have a list of rigorous targets that I 'must' achieve, or boxes I 'need' to tick. I'm just committed to 'being' fit and healthy and taking good care of myself. For me, it's more than a goal, it's a way of being. And when my conscious and subconscious minds are both aligned with this then I'm far more likely to seek out and prioritise those things that support me ;-)

How many people do you know who strive to do, have or accomplish things each year yet their health suffers along the way? What good are all those new achievements if you don't have the energy to enjoy the results? And how much help can you be to other people when you're in poor condition yourself? As we're told by cabin crews every time we take a flight "fit your own oxyen mask first before helping others" .

That's why it's my top priority. Is it yours?

At this time of year, with so much pressure to set and accomplish new goals for the year ahead, and so many winter bugs around, doesn't it make sense to take a little time to look after yourself? What are some of the many simple things you can do to take better care and improve your sense of wellbeing? It needn't become another arduous task, you can make it easy and enjoyable too. Perhaps just one or two regular practices that you can integrate into your daily life?

Here are a few things I've chosen, and so far so good ;-)
  • Drink warm water each day
  • Take supplements each day
  • Eat smaller portions
  • Stretch
  • Meditate or relax
  • Have at least one thai massage per month
Wishing you a happy and healthy year ahead
Take it easy on the ice!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Give yourself a break ;-)

Happy New Year!

"Have you made your resolutions? "
"Have you taken action yet? "
"How soon will you see the results? " :-o

If like me you've been bombarded recently with messages via radio, newspaper and email all asking these same questions, you could be forgiven for feeling ever so slightly pressurised, or even quite stressed by the fact that not only are you supposed to have set clear goals for the next 12 months but should already be taking active steps towards achieving them!

Well I'm here to suggest that it's ok.... you can relax ;-)

Yes, it's true that the transition from one year to the next is often an opportune time to review our lives and create new goals and plans for the future. But who says you have to do it now? Who decided to measure over a 12 month period running from January to December? This is, afterall, just another day, a week, a month. And this month it's positively freezing outside, the roads are icy and treacherous and much of nature is hibernating and safely hidden away from all this chaos ;-)

I was really pleased this morning to hear, on Radio 2, Jeremy Vine being introduced to mindfulness practice and meditation. It was the most peaceful moment on radio for a very long time. It was also a perfect reminder that we can all benefit from slowing down a little and creating some space for ourselves. Free from the 'shoulds' and 'musts', free from the pressures to strive and achieve, and free to simply be ;-)

That doesn't mean giving up on your goals and aspirations. It just means be authentic, do what works for you, when it's right for you and play by your own rules ;-) Be honest, are you more likely to create brilliant ideas and plans when your mind is busy and cluttered or when you're feeling centred, clear and calm?

Life isn't a race. You don't need to be, do or have more to be happy. And who you are has nothing to do with what you do, what you have or what you achieve.

So, contrary to conventional advice, I'm inviting you to delete those annoying messages, turn off the irritating chatter and create some space......just for you. After all, you're already enough. You deserve it ;-)

Have a wonderful day, week, month, year, decade!
Enjoy the moments

And remember, "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are" Joseph Campbell