Wow! I've just come back from having a thai massage. Brutal but extremely effective ;-) If you haven't tried it I can definitely recommend it.
Heat and energy are now flowing through my whole body. And I feel fully stretched, expansive and more supple having had a therapist use her hands, feet, legs, arms and elbows on my body for over an hour! It was a real treat after all that sitting around over Christmas and being hunched against the cold on these icy winter days.
It's also part of my No.1 commitment for this year and beyond; to stay fit and healthy! I don't have a list of rigorous targets that I 'must' achieve, or boxes I 'need' to tick. I'm just committed to 'being' fit and healthy and taking good care of myself. For me, it's more than a goal, it's a way of being. And when my conscious and subconscious minds are both aligned with this then I'm far more likely to seek out and prioritise those things that support me ;-)
How many people do you know who strive to do, have or accomplish things each year yet their health suffers along the way? What good are all those new achievements if you don't have the energy to enjoy the results? And how much help can you be to other people when you're in poor condition yourself? As we're told by cabin crews every time we take a flight "fit your own oxyen mask first before helping others" .
That's why it's my top priority. Is it yours?
At this time of year, with so much pressure to set and accomplish new goals for the year ahead, and so many winter bugs around, doesn't it make sense to take a little time to look after yourself? What are some of the many simple things you can do to take better care and improve your sense of wellbeing? It needn't become another arduous task, you can make it easy and enjoyable too. Perhaps just one or two regular practices that you can integrate into your daily life?
Here are a few things I've chosen, and so far so good ;-)
- Drink warm water each day
- Take supplements each day
- Eat smaller portions
- Stretch
- Meditate or relax
- Have at least one thai massage per month
Take it easy on the ice!
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