UK Election Day is finally here. And after the endless canvassing, leafleting and debating we now get to choose, and to cast our vote. Our local polling station is in the church opposite and throughout the day a steady stream of people have been coming and going.
For some this will be a significant day. For others, I'm sure, it's yet another decision to be made among the never ending list of choices we seem to face these days. Whether that's which breakfast cereal to buy, which energy supplier to use, which bank to trust with our money or even which diet to follow!
And even when we aren't aware that we're making decisions we are still making subconscious choices continually.
So is it any wonder that, when confronted with so much choice, we can begin to feel just a little overwhelmed? Or even confused? And when this happens we're much less able to think clearly, make decisions and take action. Instead, we're more likely to procrastinate, avoid choosing and settle for what we get. Whether we like it or not ;-)
For some this will be a significant day. For others, I'm sure, it's yet another decision to be made among the never ending list of choices we seem to face these days. Whether that's which breakfast cereal to buy, which energy supplier to use, which bank to trust with our money or even which diet to follow!
And even when we aren't aware that we're making decisions we are still making subconscious choices continually.
So is it any wonder that, when confronted with so much choice, we can begin to feel just a little overwhelmed? Or even confused? And when this happens we're much less able to think clearly, make decisions and take action. Instead, we're more likely to procrastinate, avoid choosing and settle for what we get. Whether we like it or not ;-)
So how do you decide? How do you know which choice is really best for you? And how can you simplify the process and make it easier to choose?
There's not really space to go into too much detail here, and I certainly don't want to add to the barrage of information you've already come across today, so here are one or two simple principles that just might help.
1 Know who you are
Does this choice fit with who you are and how you want to be?
2 Check your values
Does this choice match your key values? Those things that are important to you?
3 Listen to your heart
Imagine you've made this choice now. What do you notice in your body? Does it feel right? Does it make your heart sink or sing?
In our hectic, busy schedules it's important to stop from time to time, breathe, get centred and listen to our hearts. As Mark Victor Hansen said "Our heart is the best GPS there is" and in the words of Tich Nhat Hanh "Be still and know"
So on this day of all days, let's take time to listen and choose wisely ;-)
Denise x
There's not really space to go into too much detail here, and I certainly don't want to add to the barrage of information you've already come across today, so here are one or two simple principles that just might help.
1 Know who you are
Does this choice fit with who you are and how you want to be?
2 Check your values
Does this choice match your key values? Those things that are important to you?
3 Listen to your heart
Imagine you've made this choice now. What do you notice in your body? Does it feel right? Does it make your heart sink or sing?
In our hectic, busy schedules it's important to stop from time to time, breathe, get centred and listen to our hearts. As Mark Victor Hansen said "Our heart is the best GPS there is" and in the words of Tich Nhat Hanh "Be still and know"
So on this day of all days, let's take time to listen and choose wisely ;-)
Denise x
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